I arrived at the farm this morning to a pleasant surprise. Perk had farrowed 14 nice piglets. Twiggs farrowed the day before and had 11 or 12, but I couldn't get an accurate count because she wouldn't let me get near enough to them.
This was a much better result, more like we expect number wise, hence the apple for Jethro, the boar that bred both girls, reference. Here's a short vid I took of Perk's piglets this morning:
I'm going to try and video Twigg's piglets tomorrow. Geez and Myfoot's pigs are growing well. I turned them in an old bermuda field I frost seeded to clover. In this pic if you look close you can see the clover emerging:
This is a shot of the clover growing in the garden plot from last year. It's really looking good, and once it gets a foot or so high we'll turn the pigs in for some good grazing:
Farmers' market season is only 2 weeks away so we're spending a lot of time getting ready for that. The fire marshal met with the board of Cherry Street and said you can't have an open flame within 20 feet of a tent, so now I'll have to move the brat cart away from the booth. That means I won't be able to run the cart, as I need to be in front of the customers, so I'm looking for someone with a food handler's license that can grill for me. If any of y'all know of anyone that might be interested let me know.
Thanks for reading and watching!
Pork & Greens