Earth to Myfoot. You had a snug, bedded ark to have your piglets in, but you choose the middle of the pasture, with no cover in sight?
Man, when I got to the farm this morning I knew that Myfoot must have pigged last night because she wasn't at the fence squawking for her feed. So there I got to peek in her side of the ark and what, neither her or any piglets were anywhere in site. So I start calling her and see her stand up in the pasture, way down on the other end. I'm thinking maybe she was just out grazing, but noticed she wouldn't move more than 10 or 20 feet before she turned back. I knew what she'd done then, so I went down expecting to find piglets scattered everywhere, but she'd built a grass nest and had 12 fat piglets just a snoozing in the warm air.
Of course that wouldn't do, especially with an 80 percent chance of rain, so I got the tractor and fought her off while loading the pigs in the tractor bucket. Myfoot didn't care for that one bit, but she'll get over it. I got all the piglets in the ark, and after searching her nest for an hour, she finally settled in with her new litter, and so far, all's well that ends well!
Here's a short video of her and Geez in their ark:
Sorry about the blur, but I've got to get a new lense for the flip. Thanks for reading and watching!
Pork & Greens