I got to the farm this morning around 5:00 am, and it was still too dark to get started so I sat on my tailgate looking up at the stars, and I saw a few meteors flash across the sky. I thought to myself, "man, that's exactly what it's like to be a farmer, you flash across the sky bright and hot in early spring, but as you cross the season you slowly start to fade."
I'm at that fading point, like a pat of butter dropped in a 350 degree skillet and then left too long, sizzle turning to smoke, nothing left to do but stick to the pan and see if somebody can scrape you out. We do have some good weather (and rain) on the horizon, and I'm thinking that's just what the doctor ordered to get a little charge back in the batteries.
In New Pork City, Dottie's doing a beautiful job raising the pigs in this heat. She's now down to 12 piglets, as she had 3 little runts that have gone to the great Hasty Bake in the sky. Here's a photo of them at breakfast:
and here's a little video action:
The bright spot on the video isn't a ghost in the machine. It's where I accidentally cracked the lens this morning. It is Friday the 13th you know!
The rest of the porkers requested that I quite playing anymore Doors tunes, as they think there really is a "need to wallow in the mire." Here's a photo of one looking all crhogadile like:
Some news and note: We'll be putting out some info shortly on fall butcher pigs. It's looking like we're going to have 5 to 10 available this year, and you can select a whole or 1/2 pig. We'll have all the details up on the blog around labor day.
We're planning on having a farm tour towards the end of Sept, and we'll have a sign up sheet at the market a week or so in advance, and if you don't attend the market but would like to come you can send us an e-mail. We'll take the brat cart down and have brats and hot dawgs for the kids, and drinks and such.
We've been looking at ways to incorporate a breakfasty item for the market and think we've come up with a winner - Crepe Dawgs. These are our breakfast sausage links wrapped in a crepe, sprinkled with confectious sugar, and then dipped in syrup. We'll be giving samples tomorrow to see what you think, and if y'all like them we'll start offering them up for the first hour or so of the market.
Lastly, we'll start listing product with the Clean Food Tulsa market that we participated in over the winter. if you're not familiar with this market, it was started by my good friend Wes Downing as a way for shoppers to still get locally produced products over the winter months, but some vendors have used it right through the summer. The advantage to it is you can pre-order online and it will be waiting for you at the market. Once the season is over it will go to an every other week drop-off at 6th & Peoria. We hope to have some flyers printed up about it soon.
Thanks for reading, and hope to see you tomorrow!
Pork & Greens