If you've ever wondered why companies give certain names to certain products, I think I know the answer to at least the reason for one product - the brushhog. There's a reason they didn't call it a brushgoat, or a brushsheep, or even a brushcow, and that reason is efficiency.
I was harvesting some green beans from our second planting, just looking around the farm, when it struck me as to how truely efficient pigs are at removing vegetation (the same thing the name brushhog is trying convey in it's meaning). I grabbed the camera and took this photo: (this shot is looking south towards their grazing paddock you can see in the distance)
and remembered how lush and full this field was in clover back in the fall. To get a true sense of what I'm saying, go back and look at the video Milking Machine as this is pretty much looking at the same angle as the photo. Man, I walked over that field and there's not a speck of vegetation anywhere. A little light tilling to level the ground and this baby's ready for plastic mulch for next year's garden.
So now I know what the companies were trying to convey by naming their implements brushhogs. Just a little quickie off the haywire. Thanks for reading!
Pork & Greens