As promised, I took some video of the red clover blooming in our spring grazing paddock. The recent torrential rains have set the clover to blooming stronger than I've ever seen it so far. This is good news for the ledger balance, as we won't have to purchase any seed for next year, and good news for the pigs because clover is an excellent source of protein, and they really like it as well. This video really doesn't do justice to the beauty, a real purple haze, that greets the eye at first view. Anyway, here's the short take:
On a different note, we've been on Facebook for a while now and you can view our homepage wall here. Our posts on Typepad are linked to the homepage, so if you hit the "I like" button on our blog posts it'll show up on Facebook, and vice versus. Pretty cool! (Well, if you like our posts, and so far there's not a "dumpster" button) Thanks for reading, and viewing!
Pork & Greens