We had a visitor at the farm on Tuesday. Allison Goss, of This Land Press (check it out), stopped by to take some photos and interview me about the farm. She's a really cool journalist giving a unique perspective of Oklahoma and her people. When her article is published I'll make sure and provide a link. As it was, I turned the table, well actually the camera, on her and got a shot of her in front of some Georgia collards:
Speaking of collards, things on the veggie front are looking really good! Maters, squash, pumpkins, and a few melon plants are flowering, and we finished weaving the pepper plants. Next week we may have a smattering of squash and baby zuccini if the weather stays warm. I finished reseeding the sweet corn today, and it looks like the critter problem is abating somewhat. We set out watermelons and more okra this week as well.
At the market Saturday we'll have the same lettuces as last week, plus a Boston Bibb lettuce and possibly some heirloom Lolla leaf lettuce. We'll have Georgia collards (pronounced Jaw-ja Cawluds for non-southern types) and a lot more radish bunches, but it looks like the turnips will be another week out. We may have a bag of spinach or two as well.
Pig nation is rolling right along, although we almost had a disaster on our hands. Twiggy and Perk decided they wanted to have piglets in the same spot. When they farrowed their first litters they picked out individual spots (like they're supposed too), but for whatever reason they chose to remain in the same ark space. Luckily only one piglet got mashed, but had they farrowed earlier, or had it been hot (it was actually quite cool this morning) a lot more piglets would have been lost. I took the divider down to give them more space, and then sat with them for a while till everyone calmed down. (me included ) I took a short video of them here:
We turned the grower pigs into the spring grazing field yesterday, and I'll try to get some video of them this weekend. I turned out the 2 pigs I had put in our Root-O-Tiller, as they had outgrown it. I got a snap of the last bed they made, and you can see how well they tilled and de-rooted their spot:
At the market we'll have all our usual pork products, plus some mild sausage and bratwurst already pattied. There are 8 sausage patties to a package and 4 brat patties to a package. We'll be grilling dawgs as well, although this week I'll be directly across the street from our booth. Thanks for reading, and stop by and see us this weekend!
Pork & Greens